Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Running bad

Just having one of those run of sessions where everytime it seems that I put in my stack I am way behind. I guess playing more like a nit pays off at the NL50 levels but I should be able to adapt my play to pick on those nits and take away a lot of small pots.

I just think I am working on too many things at once and instead I should be trying to build the bankroll a bit as well. Luckily the FT bonus is keeping my bankroll above water but I will have to go down stakes if this downswing continues. I think that going down a level is probably the best way to reestablish the ABC poker that built the bankroll in the first place.

The good thing is that I really believe that my ability to play is improving but the results are currently showing a lot of unlucky situations and also mixed with making some moves at the wrong times. If I continue to use better hands and position it will eventually lead to me winning against this opponents.

The 40-50 vpip with 5-20 pfr% seem to give me the most trouble as they love to call light and play a big pot when their junk hits two pair or better. I find that by focusing on 3 betting them with position it should give me good situations to c-bet and take down a few good sized pots without opposition. The hard part comes from the fact that anytime these guys push it could be a bluff or a solid hand... one day I will be able to tell which is which!

So I am off to play another 15k hands and we will see if I can start to get some better results.

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