Saturday, December 16, 2006

Final table hammer drop

Got some sleep and wanted to post my final table hammer drop... wish a few bloggers were around to witness... only got a couple screenshots of it that don't do the hand justice. Wait I guess I could post the entire hand history here.

Call my hammer raise at your own risk

See them fold to the cbet with the hammer at final table

I thought he min bet the flop but it looks like he checked it and I bet out and he folded.

Well time to go cash out of the site since I don't have time to go earn anymore bonus before it expires for me tonight.

Your Player ID: Mungo36
Date and Time: 2006-12-16 20:09:32
Transfer Number: XXXXXXXX
Amount: $3000.00

DuggleBogey they responded to my email to them telling them that the screwed up in how to deal with players. There response was that I sent in my email but not from the email address registered with my account. What a bunch of BS and they should focus on the problem and not on the email address the complaints come from.

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