Saturday, May 09, 2009

Penguins night tonight!

Well been watching a lot of hockey and not playing a lot of poker these last few days. Getting ready to head to the "lucky" bar where I was when the Pens won the last two games. Not sure if Ovechkin got anything for the hit that hurt Gonchar last game but I am sure that a couple guys run him to to even it out. I would prefer if they focused on some of the defensemen as they have a few guys playing hurt.

The good thing is that the Penguins figured out that goalie for the Capitals and now they can run him from the net if they get to him early.

Hoping to get my computer setup correctly tomorrow and then installed in my new office. Then I can take the poker hands up a notch.

I also started to watch the first season of Smallville but so far it isn't a very good show at all. Who knows maybe it will grow on me.

As for Mother's Day I took my mom out today for a nice dinner at Rodney's Osyter House. I always order a bunch of stuff for the table to share which costs a bit but makes sure that everyone gets a lot of food and trys a few new things.


Schaubs said...

I assume you are refering to Rodney's in T.O.

THe one in Vancouver is amazing and the seafood is always so fresh and tasty.

Guin said...

Yes the one in Toronto is where I went... next time I am in Vancouver I will check it out.