Monday, February 19, 2007

Playing like crap

I was playing like crap last night because I couldn't get motivated to play my A game at NL25 6 max. The hardest part of going back down a few levels to work on the game is that the results aren't worth anything to the bankroll.

So after donking away a couple buyins I decided to go up to NL100 and play a better game. At the lower limits you really just nut peddle and steal small pots to earn cash... sort of boring. At NL100 6 max I managed to come away up almost a buyin so overall I was flat on the night. Also got myself another token so hopefully that can be turned into something that builds the bankroll.

Starting to get used to the CR method of playing but I think I am still a bit too tight at a 6 max game. Playing a 29%/22% and my AF is running in the 3 range. I think I can open it up a bit more which can find me getting played back at when I have big hands. Play on site does seem to have improved with only one or two really bad donks per table instead of one or two good players.

Also it is time for me to get to bed before 11 pm at least twice a week. That alone should get me into the right frame of mind. Hard to think straight when you have two-three glasses of wine with dinner and the wife wants to buy a new house....


Pseudo_Doctor said...

29/22 at a max 6? Thats pretty solid numbers man, I would say ur overaggressive for those numbers. Im a 32/13 at max 6's 1/2nl and higher and that is a bit on the loose side. So if u can pull off 29/22 Id stick to it.


Guin said...

Really? I was pulling off a 34/28 last night with tons of success. I did find a couple tables where the possibility of getting reraised is not likely.

I guess when I move up to the next level I will be tightening up a bit until I get used to floating those guys. Have you ever watched a CR video?