Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lots going on

Been busy for the last few weeks and the poker game has to be rusty as hell. Managed to put my house up for sale and then sell it for 98% of list within a week. I also was on vacation that week visiting a friend in Atlanta for a couple days. After that the rest of the week was spent in Orlando taking little Guin to see Mickey Mouse.

Since I got back last week work has been busy as hell... just working hard to get back my stress level that made me need the last vacation! The good thing is that things are working out and making some good coin.

Yesterday was the deadline for filing my taxes and I found out that I am owed 3k by our gov't. Looking forward to getting that and hopefully not getting audited!

Tonight I have a university alumni event where we chat to current MBA and undergrads that are about to graduate and move to Toronto. Fun fun... at least the booze is free.


Riverrun said...

guin...check my blog a few posts down. I'm having a poker tournament June 9th as part of my stag and doe. You should get a crew and come down. Its $50 +10 around a 100 ppl should be playing.

Guin said...

Sounds like a fun event... I will do what I can to get myself to the event but no promises on others showing up.

Congrats on getting a few things done all at the same time!


Jules said...

You've been tagged multiple times now boy..get on with it!

(see blog for details)