Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wow time is flying

I have to get back in gear and start to play some poker again.... been too long since I sat down at a blogger event and started raising every other hand to 336... I realize that I have been tagged multiple times so I figured I should start with those random 7 things about me.

1. I am shitty at being a husband, father, friend etc. Being so selfish is something that I try to not do but it still happens far too often. Add alcohol to the mix and I get even worse!

2. As I get older I am getting so lazy and fat. I think that getting overweight gives me less energy which contributes to my lazyness!

3. The new house I am buying is only a couple km's from my current house. Moving right next to a provincial park and looking forward to having more space. I did splurge a little by buying heated floors in the bathroom and we also put the toilet into its own room instead of it being part of the bathroom area.

4. Never been a pet person. I guess that comes from not having pets like a dog while I was a kid. The birds or fish I did have always died due to lack of care on my brother or my part.

5. I would like to spend half of the year on the east coast living near Halifax and my winters in TO. TO has snow but it is also the only place I have found that I can make good money working in the financial industry.

6. Multiplication tables were / are tough for me to recall. Learning stuff like that has always required pure memory and my mind always struggles in those situations. I remember at the time saying that the real issue was if we could always carry a calculator on us. Now I do have my rim on me to handle those difficult calculations!

7. I am a big Pepsi fan. I can and do drink upwards of 4-5 cans a day and if I am offered Coke I will usually 'settle' for it.

Now lets hope I can start to get into a few of these blogger events and win some damn points.


CC said...

Pepsi sucks!

Fuel55 said...

Nice to see you are still alive. And yeah - PEPSI SUCKS.

Guin said...

yep still alive and kicking... going to refocus on the poker game... still want to be playing 5/10 against you at some point in my life!

Pepsi rocks...

Eric a.k.a. Bone Daddy said...

all cola is ghey unless mixed with rum, which is still ghey, but you won't notice as much.